ZEHR (Diamond Z) HG-4000 Horizontal Grinder - $149,000

1999 Zehr (Diamond Z) HG-4000 Horizontal Grinder with an estimated 6088 frame and engine hours. Powered by a CAT 3412 engine at 990 HP with a new rebuilt twin disc clutch, this machine is clean and ready to grind. Only 1088 hours on the machine since major refurbishment that includes:

Replaced Infeed Floor
Replaced Infeed Chain
Replaced Mill bearings
Replaced Mill Rods
Replaced Hammers
Replaced Conveyor Belt
Rebuilt Cutting Edge
Rebuilt Screen Carriers
Radiator removed, cleaned and pressure tested
Hydraulic Cooler Radiator removed, cleaned and pressure tested
All Hydraulic Cylinders removed and new seal kits installed
Bell Housing Removed and Replaced
Replaced Turbocharger on engine
Replaced exhaust manifold gaskets
Replaced drive sprockets for infeed roller
Replaced Drive Chain for Infeed Roller



Call Art Murphy - 603•770•1132


High Ground Equipment